Thursday, April 3, 2014

Christmas made brighter for local family by Living Learning Community

The freshman ArtsAlive! Living and Learning Community (LLC) made Christmas brighter for a local family of five girls and their mother. The ArtsAlive! students decided to use their class fund ($200) to support SMU’s Gifts for Winona program. They were paired as a sponsoring organization with a family of girls ranging in age from 3 to 18, and their mother.  The students divided themselves into groups and each shopped for their child, and the class enjoyed a wrapping session on study day before final exams.

The Saint Mary’s Gifts for Winona program accepts donations of money to purchase Christmas presents and food for more than 1,550 area individuals and families.

Living Learning Communities are groups of freshmen with shared interests, living together and participating in themed programs that combine outside-the-classroom academics with residence life activities. The other three LLCs at Saint Mary’s include Well Inc., Global Faith, and Wide World and Sports.

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