As part of a citywide effort to raise money for earthquake relief in Misato, Japan – Winona’s sister city – Saint Mary’s hosted
“Celebrate Japan” in early May. This cultural showcase of Japan’s rich culture and traditions, combined with other student, faculty and staff fundraising efforts on campus, raised more than $2,000 for Misato.
A Winona City Council member wrote to us: “A very sincere and huge thank you to all the folks at Saint Mary’s who most generously gave of your time, materials and facilities to assist Winona help our sister city, Misato, rebuild from the earthquake.”
See more photos of Celebrate Japan.
More than 300 students, faculty, and staff came together to celebrate and remember those who have defeated cancer, those currently battling cancer, and those who have lost their lives to this disease.
Relay for Life team members spent a night walking around SMU’s indoor track from dusk to dawn to represent the 24-hour fight against cancer. The event raised more than $17,200 for the American Cancer Society.
See more photos of Relay for Life.
About 100 brave souls jumped into the icy waters of Lake Goodview in mid-March for the second annual Saint Mary’s
Cardinal Plunge to raise money for a fund that aids students in need or in emergency situations. A portion of last year’s proceeds went to Michael Mockler, a student diagnosed with a brain tumor. This year’s event raised $1,455.
See more photos of the Cardinal Plunge.
Fifty Saint Mary’s students traveled to Saint Paul in late March for
Minnesota Private College Day at the Capitol. This annual event provides an opportunity for Minnesota private college students to see first-hand how state government works. Our students met with their hometown legislators at the State Capitol to advocate for student financial aid, specifically the Minnesota State Grant Program.
More than 660 people attended our 11th annual
Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance in March.
Proceeds from the dance – and a silent auction held on campus – raised more than $13,500 for this year’s beneficiary, Tony Grathen of Rollingstone, Minn., a 7-year-old boy who was diagnosed with rhabdomysarcoma cancer.
See more photos of the Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance.
The Mississippi River threatened historic flood levels in spring, and more than 70 students volunteered to help
sandbagging efforts in Fountain City, Wis.
Mayor Jerry Kafer wrote a letter to us, saying he was gratified by the help of “energetic and spirited students” . . . who “worked with incredible intensity. . . . I want so very much for you to know the difference these students made in our little community. . . . I’m sure their contributions will be long remembered in these parts. They are indeed a testament to their university.”
See more photos of the flood relief.
Saint Mary’s recognized outstanding students, faculty and staff at the spring
Student Life Awards Ceremony. Awards were presented to students who made a noticeable impact on student life at SMU, including student government, residence life, campus ministry and community service. Shown above are Nikki Richmond from Student Life, Dan Streefland (who was honored for volunteer service and as Outstanding Student Senator) and Alison Kremer, Student Senate president.
See a list of award winners.