Monday, March 19, 2012

Students celebrating other cultures . . .

Students helped christen the former New Village as Residencia Santiago Miller, in honor of martyred alum Brother James Miller '66. Brother James was killed in Guatemala in 1982, and a building there was also named in his honor. The name “Residencia Santiago Miller” was chosen to remind students of the model of leadership and service which Brother James offered. Shown unveiling the residence hall marker are students Bob Rousseau, Heidi Loeffler and Jessica Bouska.

Our international students shared their cultures with others in our community during an open house at the International Center. A wide variety of ethnic food, games, dance, cultural displays and presentations were included in the festivities. Participants learned about SMU’s international students from Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and China.

The annual Multicultural Showcase treated the community to music and dance from many cultures, featuring Hmong and Chinese songs, Mexican dance, Irish dance, the Jazz Workshop Combo, the World Drum Ensemble and more.

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