Monday, December 21, 2009

Reviewers affirm quality of teacher education

Zuber Ali, a graduate of the Master of Arts in Instruction program, was interviewed by the Board of Teaching site visitation team.

Saint Mary’s teacher education programs recently received external confirmation of our efforts toward excellence in teaching and student engagement in learning. A Minnesota Board of Teaching site visitation team came to the Winona campus November 15 to review our undergraduate and graduate teacher licensure programs. The team indicated that it will recommend to the Board of Teaching that the accreditation of our programs be extended to 2017.

The team noted: "The Lasallian mission of Saint Mary's is transparent and threaded through the education programs here. The students recognized the faculty's commitment to social justice in education and indicated how they model that in their constructivist approach to teaching. Students were able to emulate that philosophy in their student teaching experiences, as they differentiated instruction based on the unique need of each learner."

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